Training Course for Radiation Protection Workers


This course is intended to provide a basic understanding of the principles of radiation protection and safety as applied to (nuclear gauging, radiography and well logging). The level of understanding provided is to be such that students have an awareness of the hazards associated with the sources of radiation used in (nuclear gauging, radiography and well logging) and understand the importance of undertaking work in accordance with specified procedures.


On completion of the course, the trainees will be able to:

  • Understand the nature and properties of ionizing radiations.
  • Be familiar with the terminology used in radiation protection.
  • Understand the potential hazards associated with the sources of ionizing radiations used in ( NG, Radiography and Well Logging ) and the importance of keeping all exposures as low as reasonably achievable.
  • Understand the basic principles of practical radiation protection. Understand the importance of following stated actions in any contingency and site emergency plans.

Prior Qualifications and Experience

No previous experience or knowledge of radiation protection is required. Candidates for this course will be expected to have been educated to a secondary level.

The course was designed according to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and MME (Ministry of Municipality and Environment) requirements.

Our trainer is certified trainer and he is qualified expert in radiation protection License No. 26140) and he have and experience 14 years in these courses.

We offer morning and evening classes. (Morning class from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Evening class from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM)

The trainees should be passing the final exam which arrange by MME, for earn certificate.

The language of these courses is English, so the trainees should be read and write in English.

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